Citizens for Economic Stability

Glenn County, California

Advocating business opportunity and economic sustainability for the benefit of all

About CES

We are a network of citizens focused on the economic future and fiscal sustainability of Willows, Orland, and Glenn County.

Why We Do What We Do

We know that a strong, vibrant, local economy benefits the entire community.

We believe that government exists for the benefit of all the citizens of the community, and that government should be accessible and responsive to all of its citizens. 

We believe openness, transparency, and collaboration fosters better government and more prosperous lives for those who reside and work in Glenn County.

How We Do What We Do

We advocate for business retention, expansions, and attraction, in that order.

We monitor the Planning Commission and City Council activities, increase the public's awareness of important issues, and work to ensure public participation in the decision-making process. 

We work to ensure transparency and accountability in local government.

We support elected and appointed officials who through their actions embrace openness, transparency, and economic growth.

We encourage government decisions, actions, rules, policies, and regulations that promote business activity and expansion. And, aware of the need to balance the needs of all parties, we oppose those that lack that balance.

We inform the media, our members, and the entire community of the positive and negative economic impacts of our government officials' directions and their staff's actions or inactions.